



  • - (上下牙齒用力對著) bite; snap at:

    too tough to bite [chew]; 咬不動

    take a bite; 咬了一口

    - (狗叫) bark:

    Cocks crow and dogs bark. 雞叫狗咬。

    - (夾住;卡住) grip; bite:

    The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. 台鉗上有刻痕的虎鉗牙幫助它緊咬住工件。

    This old nut won't bite [grip]. 這箇舊螺母咬不住扣兒。

    - (受責難或審訊時牽扯別人) incriminate another person (usu. innocent) when blamed or interrogated:

    trump up a countercharge against one's accuser; make a false countercharge 反咬一口

    - (正確地念出) pronounce; articulate:

    clear articulation [enunciation]; 咬字清楚

    He can pronounce this word correctly. 這個字他咬得很准。

    - (過分地斟酌) be nitpicking (about the use of words):

    be nitpicking on words 咬字眼兒



  1. 他因遭蛇咬而被送到醫院治療。
    He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite.
  2. 那個郵遞員被一隻惡狗咬了。
    The postman was bitten by a fierce dog.
  3. 那條狗是危險的畜牲,它咬人。
    That dog is a dangerous brute; it bites people.
  4. 他們的狗把我的褲子咬了個窟窿。
    Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.
  5. 她正在神經質地咬指甲。
    She was gnawing her nails nervously.
  6. 我咬牙切齒憤怒已極。
    I was gnashing my teeth with rage.
  7. 那隻狗咬了郵遞員的腿。
    The dog nipped the postman on the leg.
  8. 小貓頑皮地輕輕咬了我一下。
    The little cat gave me a playful bite.


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