- 酸子姜pickled steamed ginger
- 子midnight
- 石蕊試紙可用以測試溶液是否含酸。Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution.
- 含to keep
- 帖子post
- 高含酸性氣碳酸鹽岩氣藏流體敏感性實驗研究Experimental Research on Fluid Sensitivity of Carbonate Gas Reservoirs with High Content of Acidic Gas
- 脈衝布袋除塵器凈化分銀爐含酸鹼煙氣的控制Control of pulse filter bag to clean flue gas containing acid and alkali from furnace separating silver
- 親子parent-offspring
- 貼子notice
- 酸化acidification
- 含水watery
- 滾子roller
- 羧酸carboxylic acid
- 含稅價格price including tax
- 半胱氨酸cysteine
- 提子grape
- 富含be rich in
- 酸洗acid cleaning
- 膩子lacquer putty
- 含水率water ratio