



  • - (名稱) name:

    nickname; 綽號

    Taoist [Buddhist] monastic name; 道[法]號

    - (別號; 字) assumed name; alternative name
    - (商店) business house:

    your shop [firm]; 寶號

    branch (of a firm, ect.); 分號

    - (標誌; 信號) mark; sign; signal:

    secret signal [sign]; countersign; cipher; 暗號

    plus sign; 加號

    - (排定的次第) number:

    serial number; 編號

    Building No. 10 十號樓

    - (等級) size:

    large [medium, small] size; 大 [中,小]號

    These shoes are two sizes too small. 這鞋小了兩號。

    - (日期) date:

    What date is it today? -- The 9th. 今天幾號? -- 九號。

    - (號令) order:

    issue orders 發號施令

    - {音}(軍隊或樂隊里所用的喇叭) any brass-wind instrument:

    trombone; 長號

    bugle; 軍號

    - (號角) anything used as a horn:

    conch-shell trumpet; conch 螺號

    - (用號吹出來表示一定意義的聲音) bugle call; any call made on a bugle:

    sound the call to charge; 吹衝鋒號

    reveille; 起床號

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Hao Yi 號義

  • - (用於人數):

    over a hundred people 一百多號人

  • - (做上記號) mark:

    mark out houses (as billets, etc.) 號房子

    - (切) feel:

    feel the pulse 號脈



  1. 他被定為一號種子選手。
    He was seeded number 1.
  2. 我得把電話號碼記下來,以免待會兒忘記。
    I'll just jot down their phone number before I forget it.
  3. 他翻閱地址簿,尋找號碼。
    He thumbed through the address book looking for the number.
  4. 讓我記下你的地址和電話號碼。
    Let me note down your address and telephone number.
  5. 你能告訴我你的電話號碼嗎?
    Would you tell me your phone number?
  6. 把電話號碼寫下來以免忘了。
    Write the telephone number down in case you forget.
  7. 我用電話旁的一根鉛筆記下了他的電話號碼。
    I noted down his telephone number with a pencil near the telephone.
  8. 你撥錯電話號碼了。
    You've dialed the wrong number.


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