



  • - (扁平物上下兩面之間的距離大) thick:

    a heavy padded coat; 厚棉衣

    a thick plank; 厚木板

    - (感情深) deep; profound:

    profound friendship 深情厚誼

    - (忠厚; 厚道) kind; magnanimous:

    honest and kind 忠厚

    - (利潤、禮物價值等大) large; generous:

    generous gifts; 厚禮

    large profits; 厚利

    - (味道濃) rich or strong in flavour:

    The wine tastes strong. 酒味很厚。

  • - (優待;推崇; 重視) favour; stress:

    praise for the dead and contempt for the livin 厚死薄生

  • - (厚度) thickness; depth:

    Snow fell to a depth of over three chi. 雪下了三尺多厚。

    What's the thickness of the wall? 這堵牆有多厚?

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Hou Ming 厚明



  1. 這根梁厚3英寸。
    The beam has a thickness of 3 inches.
  2. 城堡的牆很厚。
    The castle walls are very thick.
  3. 這艘帆船的甲板是用厚木板製作的。
    The deck of the sailing ship was made of thick planks.
  4. 這裡報酬優厚。
    Wages here are generous.
  5. 對他的慷慨厚意不可嗤之以鼻。
    His generous offer is not to be sniffed at.
  6. 早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。
    He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning.
  7. 他雪天出門,裹著厚厚的圍巾,穿著暖和的大衣。
    He walked out into the snow, heavily muffled up in a thick scarf and warm overcoat.
  8. 去年冬天,地上積雪很厚。
    Last winter the snow lay thick on the ground.


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