



  • - (改變原來的位置或脫離靜止狀態) move; stir:

    Don't move, or I'll shoot. 不許動! 否則就開槍了。

    A breeze stirred the leaves. 微風吹動樹葉。

    - (行動) act; get moving:

    Don't make a rash act. 不要輕舉妄動。

    The masses all got moving. 群眾普遍地動起來了。

    - (改變事物原來的位置或樣子) change; alter:

    Just change one or two words and the sentence will read smoothly. 這句話只要動一兩個字就順了。

    - (使用; 動用) use:

    use one's head; 動腦筋

    Don't use [spend] the sum of money now. 先不要動那筆錢。

    - (觸動) touch; arouse:

    flare up; 動肝火

    be carried away by emotion; get worked up; 動感情

    - (感動) move; touch (one's heart):

    not to be swayed by fine words; 不為甜言蜜語所動

    touch one's heartstrings 動人肺腑

    - (多用於否定式: 吃) eat or drink:

    never touch meat or fish; be vegetarian 不動葷腥

  • - (動作) movement; action:

    every movement [act] 一舉一動

  • - (動不動; 常常) frequently; easily; at every turn:

    be blamed for every move 動輒得咎 [罪]



  1. 這裡有很大的活動空間。
    There is plenty of space here to move about.
  2. 他活動於社交甚嚴的社交圈內,而且屬於那些最不願吸收外人的俱樂部。
    He moves in exclusive social circles and belongs to the most exclusive clubs.
  3. 我連移動雙腳的力氣都幾乎沒有了。
    I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet.
  4. 換檔時扳動這根操縱桿。
    Move this lever to change gear.
  5. 她的故事使我很感動。
    I was very moved by her story.
  6. 他們沒有採取行動,表明他們對這個問題不感興趣。
    Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest in the problem.
  7. 我很受感動。
    I was moved. (I was touched.)


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