



  1. 她認為她的成功是由於勤奮加上一點兒運氣而得來的。
    She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck.
  2. 她又加上一句榶『可別遲到。』
    And don't be late, ' she added.
  3. 這部電影是先拍攝畫面的,音樂是後加上的。
    The film was made first and the music was added as an afterthought.
  4. 我們想在原有的意見後面再加上一條。
    We should like to add a rider to the previous remarks.
  5. 你要是正在給你母親寫信,可別忘了加上幾句請她來住上幾天。
    If you're writing to your mother, don't forget to put in something about her coming to stay.
  6. 帳款是10英鎊,再加上1英鎊郵費。
    The bill was 10, plus 1 for postage.
  7. 帳款是10美元,再加上一美元郵費。
    The bill was USD10, plus USD1 for postage.
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