



  • - (兩個或兩個以上的東西或數目合在一起) add; plus:

    cast up a row of figures; 將一行數字加起來

    work arduously and skilfully; 苦幹加巧幹

    - (使數量比原來大或程度比原來高) increase; augment:

    open the throttle; step on the gas; 加大油門

    increase [raise] sb.'s wages; 加工資

    - (把本來沒有的添上去; 安放) put in; add; append:

    confer a new title on oneself; 給自己加上新的頭銜

    put in the proper punctuation marks; 加上標點符號

    - (表示施以某種動作; 加以):

    not consider at all; 不加考慮

    praise highly; lavish praise on; 大加讚揚

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Jia Hao 加皓



  1. 女王以傳統儀式舉行了加冕禮。
    The queen was crowned with proper ceremony.
  2. 混凝土牆是用鋼筋加固的。
    The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods.
  3. 必須對那些專在足球比賽時打架的社會渣滓嚴加懲處!
    These scum who fight at the football matches must be severely dealt with!
  4. 四加五等於九。
    If you add 4 to 5, you get 9.
  5. 二加五等於七。
    Two plus five is seven.
  6. 帳款是10美元,再加上一美元郵費。
    The bill was USD10, plus USD1 for postage.
  7. 我們花了一千美元買下這家商店,另加二百美元買它的商譽。
    We paid 1000 dollars for the shop, plus 200 dollars for goodwill.
  8. 把這些數字加起來,告訴我總數是多少。
    Add this numbers together and give me the total.


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