



  • - (私拿別人的東西) steal; pilfer; burglarize; make off with:

    have one's purse stolen; 錢包被偷

    pilfer; 小偷小摸

    - (抽出) find (time):

    take time off from work for private affairs; snatch a moment to manage one's own things 偷工夫干私事兒

    - (苟且敷衍) dispose of sth. perfunctorily:

    drag out an ignoble existence; live on without ambition 苟且偷生

  • - (偷東西的人) thief; pilferer; burglar
  • - (瞞著人) stealthily; secretly; covertly:

    cross a river stealthily; illegal border crossing; 偷渡

    run away covertly; 偷跑



  1. 真不幸,上午我的自行車丟了,下午錢包又被偷了!
    It's luckless, I lost my bicycle in the morning and my wallet was stolen in the afternoon!
  2. 一個青年因偷竊罪而在刑事庭受審。
    A youth was tried in the criminal court for stealing.
  3. 現在終於發現,是他偷了那筆錢。
    It has emerged that he stole the money.
  4. 警察在小偷的家裡發現了一些被盜的財物。
    The police found some stolen property in the thief's house.
  5. 那個犯人因偷竊被判入獄。
    The criminal was sentenced to prison for theft.
  6. 被告被控偷竊。
    The defendant is accused of theft.
  7. 貪婪驅使他偷竊。
    Avarice drove him into theft.
  8. 檢察官指控他偷竊。
    The prosecutor brought an accusation of theft against him.


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