



  • - (解釋經文的著作) commentaries on classics:

    Confucian classics and commentaries on them; 經傳

    the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in Confucius' Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋三傳

    - (傳記) biography:

    biographical sketch; profile; 小傳

    autobiography; 自傳

    - (敘述歷史故事的作品) novels about historical events:

    Water Margin; Outlaws of the Marsh; 《水滸傳》

    The Lüliang Heroes 《呂梁英雄傳》



  1. 民間音樂是一代一代地流傳下來的。
    Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another.
  2. 他喜歡讀偉人傳記來提高自己。
    He likes to read biographies of great men to promote himself.
  3. 我買了一本關於神權自使徒傳至教皇及其他主教的一脈相承的書。
    I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops.
  4. 父母是怎樣把基因遺傳給自己的子女的?
    How do parents pass genes on to their offspring?
  5. 老人給我們講述了一個口頭流傳的故事。
    The old man told us a story passed on by oral tradition.
  6. 鴿子被放出去傳送發生叛亂的消息。
    Pigeons were sent out to spread the tidings of rebellion.
  7. 這名傳教士去年被派到印度。
    The missionary was sent to India last year.
  8. 基督派基督十二使徒之一宣傳他的教義。
    Apostles were sent out by Christ to spread his teachings.


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