



  1. 老師從一開始就強調翻譯準確性。
    The teacher laid emphasis on the precision of the translation from the outset.
  2. 我從未做過得罪那女人的事,可她從一開始就不喜歡我。
    I've never done anything to offend the woman, but she just took against me from the start.
  3. 戴維從一開始就在為這家公司工作。
    David has been working for this company right from the word go.
  4. 他從一開始就顯然十分緊張。
    His nervousness was obvious right from the start.
  5. 她從一開始就知道這件事很難辦。
    She knew (right) from the word go that it was going to be difficult.
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