



  • - (父母) parent:

    parents 雙親

    - (有血統或婚姻關係的) relative:

    close relative; near kin; 近親

    distant relative 遠親

    - (婚姻) marriage; match:

    get [be] married; 成親

    be engaged; be betrothed to; 定親

    - (新婦) bride:

    (of the groom's family) send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home 迎親

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Qin Fu 親弗

  • - (血統最接近的) related by blood; next of kin:

    blood brother 親兄弟

    - (關係近; 感情好) close; intimate; dear:

    regardless of close or distant relationship 不分親疏

  • - (親自) in person; personally;親臨指導 come personally to give guidance
  • - (用嘴唇接觸) kiss:

    She kissed the child on the cheek. 她親了親孩子的臉。

    - (親近)be close to; pro-:

    pro-Chinese; 親華

    pro-American 親美



  1. 他們的友誼跟以往一樣親密。
    Their friendship was as close as ever it had been.
  2. 這個孩子的教育來自他慈愛的雙親。
    The child got his nurture from his loving parents.
  3. 我母親非常慈祥。
    My mother's character is very benign.
  4. 我主要是想提醒你寫信給你母親。
    Chiefly, I asked you to remember to write to your dear mother.
  5. 他們埋葬了他們親愛的戰友。
    They interred their dear comrade in the arms.
  6. 我們兩人雖然沒有親緣關係,他卻和我長得一模一樣。
    He is my double, though we are not related.
  7. 我們是至親。
    We are nearly related.
  8. 他是我的一個近親。
    He is a near relation of mine.


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