



  1. 他患有嚴重的斜視。
    He has a bad squint.
  2. 白喉是一種嚴重的傳染病。
    Diphtheria is a serious infectious disease.
  3. 耳聾算是嚴重的缺陷。
    Deafness can be a serious handicap.
  4. 他得了嚴重的肺充血。
    He had a serious congestion of the lungs.
  5. 這家公司陷入嚴重的財政困難。
    This company was in serious financial difficulties.
  6. 乾旱少雨使原本就很嚴重的糧食短缺問題更加嚴重。
    The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food.
  7. 他的嚴重的錯誤導致了重大的損失。
    His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.
  8. 這個可憐的人患有嚴重的肝病。
    The poor man has a serious disease of the liver.
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