- 兩兩NQD陣列NQD arrays
- 行為兩兩NQD的隨機變數陣列arrays of rowwise NQD random variables
- 行為兩兩NQD的隨機變數陣列的完全收斂性和大數定律Complete convergence and law of large number of arrays of rowwise NQD random variables
- 兩兩NQDpairwise NQD
- 兩兩NQD列pairwise NQD sequences
- 兩兩NQD序列pairwise NQD sequences
- 陣列array
- 兩兩NQD列的強大數定律On the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Pairwise NQD Random Variables
- 磁碟陣列disk array
- 兩兩NQD隨機變數序列Pairwise NQD random variable sequence
- NQD列negative quadrant dependent
- 一種半導體二極體陣列,通過熔斷或燒斷二極體的結來實現編程過程。A semiconductor diode array that is programmed by fusing or burning out diode junctions.
- NQD序列NQD random sequences
- 一種包含給定數量字的磁心矩形網格,其中的每個字由構成矩形陣列的給定位數組成。A rectangular grid of cores containing a given number of words each of a given number of bits making up the rectangular array.
- NQD樣本NQD sample
- 多三角形陣列Multiple triangular array
- 兩兩的pairwise
- 排量數Nqdpumping number Nqd
- 按鈕開關陣列push-button array
- NQD序列誤差Pairwise NQD Sequences error