- 两两NQD随机变量序列Pairwise NQD random variable sequence
- 行为两两NQD的随机变量阵列arrays of rowwise NQD random variables
- 行为两两NQD的随机变量阵列的完全收敛性和大数定律Complete convergence and law of large number of arrays of rowwise NQD random variables
- 同分布两两NQD随机序列和的强大数律On the strong law of large numbers for sums of pairwise NQD r. V.'s
- 两两NQD序列pairwise NQD sequences
- 关于连续型随机变量序列在任意区间中出现频率的强偏差定理A Strong Deviation Theorems on Occured Frequencies of AribitraryAbsolutely Continuous Random Sequence in Arbitrary Interval
- 两两NQDpairwise NQD
- 利用网微分法,给出了离散型随机变量序列加权和的一个极限定理。A strong ilmit theorem for the weighted sum of discrete random sequences is gotten by the method of net differentiability.
- 两两NQD列pairwise NQD sequences
- 两两NQD阵列NQD arrays
- 关于一类随机变量序列的局部收敛定理A class of local convergence theorems for the sequence of random variables
- 两两NQD列的强大数定律On the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Pairwise NQD Random Variables
- 非负整值随机变量序列的一类强偏差定理A Class of Strong Deviation Theorem for the Sequences of Nonnegative Integer-valued Random Variable
- 两两NQD列的一个强大数定律A Strong Law of Large Number for Pairwise NQD Random Sequences
- NA随机变量NA random variables
- 两两NQD列的一个弱大数定律A Weak Law of Large Number for Pairwise NQD Random Sequences
- 随机变量序列sequence of random variables
- 两两NQD列的矩不等式和指数不等式Moment inequalities and exponential inequalities of NQD sequence
- n维随机变量n-dimensional random vector
- 两两NQD列的强大数定律及其收敛速度Strong law of large numbers and convergence rate of pairwise NQD random sequences