- 與其說A不如說not so much A as B
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 這天氣與其說暖和不如說悶熱。It is sultry rather than warm.
- A股A-share
- 我渾身麻木,與其說是因為天冷,還不如說是因為害怕。I was numB more with fright than with the cold.
- 把A誤以為take A for B
- 維生素Avitamin(e)
- 與其說瑪麗亞凱莉是為個演員,不如說她是位歌手。Mariah Carey is not so much an actress as a singer.
- 把A視為looked upon A as B
- 雙酚Abisphenol A
- 與其說他活著,不如說他死了。He is more dead than alive.
- A型A Mode; A-form
- 看來與其說是消弭了人類的罪惡,倒不如說是滿足了人類的殺戮欲。It seemed less to cast out the evils of humanity than to feed its blood lust.
- 他們沒有按時到達,與其說她為此深感焦慮,不如說她為此十分惱火。She was more annoyed than worried when they didn't come on time.
- 宗教對麥琪與其說是一種精神靈感,倒不如說是一種法則,它不可能幫助她。Religion to Meggie was a set of laws rather than a spiritual experience it couldn't help her at all.
- 它與其說是歌詞,不如說是一首抒情詩。It sounds more a lyric than a song.
- 與其說是 ... 不如說是 ...not so much ... as ...
- 那本書與其說是猥褻的,倒不如說是活潑地。The book is racy rather than obscene.
- 他與其說是個作家、不如說是個記者。He is not so much a writer as a reporter.
- 他能成為攝影師與其說是有意為之,不如說是純屬偶然He became a photographer more by accident than by design.