- 大花獨蒜蘭Pleione grandiflora Rolfe
- 反傾銷措施一支獨秀的制度原因分析On the Systematic Reason for Anti-dumping Measure Outshining others
- 花flower
- 一花一世界一沙一天國君掌盛無邊剎那含永劫To see a Word in a gain of sand And a Heaven in a wild flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour
- 獨秀園Duxiu Park
- 一花難制花環。One flower make no garland.
- 獨only
- 美洲陸生蘭花大屬,葉宿存,常為革質,花葶具一花large genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids with persistent leathery leaves and single-flowered scapes
- 一支獨秀outshine others
- 花開bloom
- 花的floristic
- 獨秀峰石刻Stone Carvings in Duxiu Peak
- 一花一片天;And heaven en a wild flower;
- 引擎一發動,我的車就給電池充電了。My car charges up the battery whenever the engine runs.
- 真人秀reality TV show
- 開花abloom
- 脫口秀talk show
- 小花flowerlet
- 曼秀雷敦mentholatum