



  • - (最小的正整數) one:

    one hundred kilograms; 一百公斤

    a book; 一本書

    - (同一) same:

    bitter gourds from the same vine; people with a similar bitter past; 一根藤上的苦瓜

    the same thing; 一碼事

    - (另一) also; otherwise:

    Merbromin is also known as mercurochrome. 汞溴紅一名紅汞。

    - (全; 滿) whole; all; throughout:

    the whole winter; all winter; throughout the winter; 一冬

    one's face covered with dust; 一臉的土

    - (專一) concentrated; wholehearted:

    heart and soul; wholeheartedly 一心一意

    - (單一; 唯一) single; alone; only one:

    hit the target with a single shot; 一槍就打中了目標

    Can you manage all by yourself? 你一個人行嗎?

    - (表示動作是一次或短暫的):

    wait a bit; 等一等

    give a cough; 咳一聲

    - (每一)each; per; every time:

    four groups with five people in each; 四個小組,一組五人

    tree meals a day; 一日三餐

    - (用在動詞或動量詞前面,表示先做某個動作,下文說明動作結果):

    get over in one jump; 一跳跳了過去

    This explanation of his restored our confidence. 經他這麼一說,大家又都有信心了。

  • - (一旦; 一經) once; as soon as:

    Once seen, never forgotten. 一見不忘。

    You will be clear about it as soon as you look at it. 你一看就會清楚的。

  • - (用在某些詞前加強語氣):

    be as easy as catching a turtle in a jar; 一似瓮中捉鱉

    To think that things should have come to such a pass! 事態之嚴重一至於此!

  • - {音} (中國民族音樂音階上的一級) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺譜),corresponding to 17 in numbered musical notation



  1. 有一條良好的A級公路通往北方--A級1號公路。
    There's a good A-road going North -- the A1.
  2. 他住在一個舒適的小屋裡。
    He lives in a cosy little room.
  3. 他用一張小的王牌吃了我的A牌。
    He took my ace with a low trump.
  4. 修築一條鐵路要花費許多勞動力。
    It takes a lot of labor to build a railway.
  5. 你能幫我一個忙嗎?
    Would you do me a favor?


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