- 法law
- 無法unable
- 用法usage
- 說法statement
- [proposal etc+] 獲得某人的贊同to meet with sb's approval
- 這表示,BankAccount類是一個抽象類,而withdrawal方法是抽象的操作。This indicates that the BankAccount class is an abstract class and the withdrawal method is an abstract operation.
- 輸入法input method
- 細心的讀者會注意到,在圖4和圖5中的圖中,類名BankAccount和withdrawal操作使用斜體。The observant reader will notice that the diagrams in Figures 4 and 5 use italicized text for the BankAccount class name and withdrawal operation.
- 除法division
- 分析法analytical method
- 商法commercial law
- 行政法administrative law
- 賓夕法尼亞Pennsylvania
- 讀法pronunciation
- 法輪功Falun Gong Cult
- 法門method
- 沒法cannot
- 玩法playing method
- 表示法notation
- 理法logos