- Under my leadership, the management system of the company is being perfect day by day.Each department works coordinately.The market of our products becomes wider and wider day by day. 在我的领导下,公司的管理体系日渐完善,各部门间协调工作,产品市场日益拓宽。
- being perfect day by day 日臻完善
- The infrastructure construction in Jieyang is becoming better and approaching perfection day by day. 揭阳市基础设施建设日臻完善。
- The traffic infrastructure is reaching perfection day by day and has formed a modern traffic network of railway, aviation and river transport. 交通基础设施日趋完善,已形成一个公路铁路、航空和河运齐备、辐射力强的现代化交通网络。
- Day by day she learnt more about her job. 她日益了解自己的工作了。
- It is getting warmer day by day. 天气一天天暖和起来。
- She is getting better day by day. 她的健康状况一天天好起来。
- The patient's condition is improving day by day. 病人的病情逐日好转。
- Food had to be won afresh day by day. 天天都要重新获得食物。
- He tends to be ill-tempered day by day. 他的脾气一天一天地变得越来越坏。
- It seems to be colder day by day. 这里似乎一天比一天更冷。
- be being perfected; be improving day by day 日趋完善
- The market is becoming brisker day by day. 市场日趋繁荣。
- What at night had been perfect and ideal was by day the more on less defective real. 在夜里看起来完美无疵、合于理想的东西,到了白天,就变成了或多或少带有缺陷的现实之物了。
- Our country is thriving and prospering day by day. 祖国日益繁荣昌盛。
- Day by day the structure heightened. 建筑物逐日增高。
- The old man's health dwindled slowly day by day. 老人的身体日渐衰弱。
- Alexander grew taller day by day. 亚历山大一天天地在长高。
- The patient rs condition is improving day by day. 病人的病情逐日好转。
- The extremely weaks are getting better day by day. 那些身体特别虚弱的人的健康状况在一天天地好转。