- become extinct as a species 灭种
- The state of being destroyed or becoming extinct, as a species of animal. 作为动物的一个物种,处于被消灭或消亡的状态。
- "At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. “在过去地质进程的不同阶段,许多物种由于自然进程而非人类进程的原因而灭绝。
- If a species of an animal is not sufficiently procreated in each generation to produce offspring, then it will become extinct. 一个动物物种如果不能在每一代生育足够数量的后代;那它就要灭绝.
- He instantly identified it as a coelacanth, a species believed extinct for 60 million years. Smith先生马上鉴别出它是腔棘鱼,一种被认为6000万年前已灭绝的物种。
- Starting with the entire human population alive at some time in the past, lineages will become extinct as women die childless or only have male children. 以整个人类生活的过去某个时间为起点,世系会随着妇女们死而无子女,或者是只有男性子女而灭绝。
- They are explainable as a species of mental atavism. 这些都可以解释为一种精神的返祖现象。
- We have compassion, but we have not harmed physically as a species. 我们同情,但是作为一个物种我们没有伤害过肉体。
- As a species, we are obsessed with superficial appearance. 作为一个物种,我们迷恋肤浅的外表。
- They are explainable as a species of mental atavism . 这些都可以解释为一种精神的返祖现象。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。
- As far as I know, a great many species of fish have become extinct in this century. 据我所知,本世纪有很多种鱼已经灭绝了。
- In layman's terms, as a species, men are simply not as evolved as women. 用外行人的话来说,作为一个物种,男人就是没有女人进化。
- A taxon is any taxonomic grouping, such as a phylum, a family or a species. 分类群是指任何一个分类学上的类群,如门、科或种。
- People have propose all sort of hypotheses to explain why dinosaur have become extinct. 人们提出种种假设,试图说明恐龙为什么会灭绝。
- So it is for us as a species, so it is for humans if they so choose it so. 对作为一个物种的我们来说是这样,如果你们人类如此选择,对你们也会是这样。
- Then Hades will become extinct forever. 不复存在。
- Will the Chinese sturgeon become extinct? 中华鲟会不会灭绝?