- I certainly know this world will never be perfect and flawless 我当然知道这世界不会完美无暇
- The human society can never be perfect and human beings are far from being flawless. 因为人类社会永远不可能完美,人本身就有很多缺陷。
- be perfect and flawless 完美无疵
- Before they ate from this tree they were perfect and without sin. 他们没有吃树上的水果前,是完美而没有罪过的。
- But clearly no exchange rate regime can be perfect and there is no one regime that suits all. 当然,没有一种汇率制度是完美的,也没有一种汇率制度会适合所有经济体系。
- Let your steadfastness become perfect with deeds, that you yourselves may be perfect and blameless, without any defect. 但这坚忍又必须有完美的实行,好使你们既成全而又完备,毫无缺欠。
- Amidst the landscape of Jolly, we pursue precision, perfection and flawless services. 在皇城君逸,我们追求的是细致、完美和周到。
- The individual motions are minuscule, but with the correct synchronization, the result will be perfect and effortless. 每一单项的动作都是极小的,但如果它们的运动都是正确的而且同步,其结果将是最理想的,同时也不费力。
- Before criticizing others, consider whether we are perfect and without fault. 要批评别人时,先想想自己是否完美无缺。
- Are you telling me that we are perfect and the rest of the world is wrong? 我说,‘这是世界各国和本国其他保险业的惯例
- Gold must be pure and man must be perfect. 金要足赤, 人要完人。
- Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect. 金无足赤,人无完人
- Hollis'performance had been calm and flawless. 霍利斯的表演沉着冷静,无懈可击。
- He is perfect and can be a great pet. 它是完美的而且可以是一只很棒的宠物。
- Hollis' performance had been calm and flawless. 霍利斯的表演沉着冷静,无懈可击。
- What at night had been perfect and ideal was by day the more on less defective real. 在夜里看起来完美无疵、合于理想的东西,到了白天,就变成了或多或少带有缺陷的现实之物了。
- Create prefect and flawless fix effect. 为你塑造完美无瑕的定妆效果。
- The x-ingredient brought about thickening of crystal-ribbon ,the crystal being perfect and homogeneous. 第三组分的加入使晶片变厚, 晶体生长更好, 晶体发育完善, 结晶均匀。
- Every process should be perfected and optimized by the effectual and scientific ways in order to impro... 对分梳企业产品质量的提高有一定的借鉴作用。
- Let's ditch the whole idea that being feminine means being perfect and ethereal. 让我们梳理一下完整的思路,有女人味意味着优美和轻盈。