- It's not that I don't want to be rich and famous . 并不是我不想致富成名。
- One day, I'll be rich and famous. 总有一天我会名利双收。
- There will be rich and poor for all eternity. 贫富将永远存在。
- Why can't I be rich AND good looking? 为何我不能同时富有又漂亮?
- The cookies were rich and spicy. 这些小甜饼油多味香。
- You want to be rich and important one day. 你希望某一天会变得富有而且重要。
- A petty braggart who pretends to be rich and important. 假阔佬一个装作富有和重要的猥亵的吹牛者
- Well ok but if you want to be rich and you want to be popular. 如果你想成功想出名就得这样。
- He was rich and free from cares of every kind. 他很富有,又无任何可忧虑之事。
- His thoughts of Buddhism was rich and many-sided. 他的佛学思想,具有多方面的丰富内容。
- Publisher: Stop worrying, Max. Trust me. Don't you want to be rich and famous? 出版者:别担心,马克斯。相信我。你不想名利双收吗?
- He knew she was rich and probably thought he wanted to rob her. 他知道她是有钱人,也明白她或许认为他想抢劫。
- I would live with anyone, if they were rich and good looking. 我会跟任何一个长得好看又富有的人生活在一起。
- It must be great to be rich and let the other fellow keeps up appearance. 自己有钱而让别人装点门面,该是乐不可支的事情吧。
- He sacrificed himself in order that his son might be rich and happy some day. 他为了儿子将来有一天能有钱,幸福,只好牺牲他自己。
- I could see in his eyes the elegance and inside that must be rich and deep. 从他的眼神里,我能明显看出他的优雅风度和必定堪称丰富深刻的内涵。
- The old man wanted to be rich and would stop at nothing to get more money for himself. 这个老头儿想发财,他总是不择手段地为自己捞钱。
- Brah: No, I am serious. I am richer and smarter than you. 布莱:不是,我是认真的。我比你有钱,也比你聪明。
- He may be rich for aught I know. 他也许有钱但我一无所知。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。