- To act against with an equal force or power;offset. 抵消,抵制以同等的力或权力来反对;抵制
- To hit or push against with the head or horns;ram. 抵触,顶撞用头或角顶撞或顶推;猛撞
- Income and payment must be balanced against each other. 收支必须保持平衡。
- To hit or push against with the head or horns; ram. 抵触,顶撞用头或角顶撞或顶推;猛撞。
- To act against with equal force; counteract. 用同等的力来反抗;抵消
- The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits. 法律咨询的费用与其效益需通盘考虑。
- It's a truth that never go against with you commander! 别和教官闹别扭是一条真理。
- To act against with an equal force or power; offset. 抵消,抵制以同等的力或权力来反对;抵制
- balanced against withv. 和 ... 保持平衡
- TT: 30% deposit, balance against faxed docum. 译:30%25预付,余额交货前付清。
- But Mr. Clarke, the home secretary, argued that civil rights had to be balanced against the needs of security. 但内政部长克拉克先生认为,人权必须和安全的需要相协调。
- The she-wolf fighted against with the cheetah to protect her babies. 母狼为了保护幼崽同猎豹展开了殊死的搏斗。
- However, database size should be balanced against other factors, especially capacity and complexity. 但是,应根据其他因素(尤其是容量和复杂程度)来平衡数据库大小。
- If this single copy is remote from the users, it needs to be balanced against performance degradation. 如果这个惟一的拷贝与用户是异地的,那么就需要在性能影响之间达成一定的平衡。
- The time required for this should be balanced against the opposing need to minimise the time before sterilisation. 需要的时间要同相反的需要平衡,从而使灭菌前时间最小。
- The Egyptians strove against with the Romans for the possession of the Nile Valley . 埃及人为争取尼罗河谷的归属曾和罗马人进行斗争。
- Electronic advances have to be balanced against the priority of maintaining the necessary level of acquisitions. 对保证一定收益率的优先考虑抵消了电子科技的进步。
- All of this must be balanced against the demands of tutors, supervisions, essays, exams and long-suffering girlfriends. 所有这些训练还要和导师、学监、论文、考试以及消耗长期时间精力的女朋友等进行平衡。
- Under this test, the impact of a statute on interstate commerce is balanced against the state's justifications for the statute. 利用这种检验,把某项法令对州际商业的影响与该州制订此项法令的正当理由进行平衡。
- While this saves a round trip to the server, this must be balanced against the security risk inherent in sending credentials across the network. 虽然这省去了与服务器之间的往返过程,但是这必须与通过网络发送凭据所固有的安全风险进行权衡。