- A short, soft, high-pitched sound or utterance, like that of a baby bird. 唧唧声或吱吱声一种如幼鸟所发出的短而柔和且高尖的声音或发音
- The baby bird toppled from the nest unable to fly yet. 幼鸟从鸟巢里掉下来了,还不会飞。
- To utter short,soft,high-pitched sounds,like those of a baby bird; cheep. 幼鸟发出吱吱啾啾的叫声发出如幼鸟的短促且轻而尖细的声音;唧唧或吱吱地叫。
- To utter short, soft, high - pitched sounds, like those of a baby bird;cheep. 幼鸟发出吱吱啾啾的叫声发出如幼鸟的短促且轻而尖细的声音;唧唧或吱吱地叫
- To utter short, soft, high-pitched sounds, like those of a baby bird; cheep. 幼鸟发出吱吱啾啾的叫声发出如幼鸟的短促且轻而尖细的声音;唧唧或吱吱地叫
- To utter short, soft, high-pitched sounds, like those of a baby bird;cheep. 幼鸟发出吱吱啾啾的叫声发出如幼鸟的短促且轻而尖细的声音;
- They said three baby birds fall out of the nest. 他们说三只小鸟从窝里掉出来了。
- They say three baby birds fall out of the nest. 他们说三只小鸟从窝里掉出来了。
- Reassured, the baby birds ate heartily. 所以它们就安心了,吃得很高兴。
- Baby cuckoos oust other baby birds from their nests. 布谷鸟的雏鸟把其他鸟的雏鸟逐出巢外。
- He found a baby bird under a tree and guessed it had fallen from its nest. He wanted to retrun the little bird to his home. 父亲发现树下有一只雏鸟,猜想可能是窝里掉下来的,他想把这小鸟送回窝里去。
- Every songbird can be identified by the unique song it sings, but a baby bird has to be taught by its parents to sing the family song. 每鸣禽可确定的独特歌它唱,但是一个婴儿鸟已被父母亲教导要唱家歌。
- Like a baby bird embarking on its first flight, a just-hatched turtle, flippers outspread and eyes wide, swims just below the ocean's surface in the waters of French Polynesia. 译文:海龟,法属波利尼西亚群岛。就像一个婴儿鸟,着手了它首次飞行,一只刚刚孵化海龟,鳍状肢延伸和眼睛瞪大,游泳仅低于海洋表面在该水域的法属波利尼西亚。
- Girardot:show those baby birds what a real army is like! 让这些菜鸟们见识一下什么是真正的军队!
- Look at this nesborn baby bird. 瞧,这是新生的小鸟。
- But baby bird can't fly. 但是宝宝不能飞。
- Like the baby birds,they had to fly and find their way in the world. 然而,就像小鸟必须离巢飞去,寻找自己的生活一样,孩子们也必须离去,到外部世界中去闯荡。
- The penguin is a flightless bird. 企鹅是一种不会飞的鸟。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。