- But baby bird can't fly. 但是宝宝不能飞。
- Mom: Baby birds can carry around the germ Salmonella, but it doesn't make them sick, like it does you or me. 小宝宝鸟能携带沙门氏细菌,但是它(细菌)不会使它们(小宝宝鸟)生病,像它(细菌)对妳或我一样。
- The bird can fly a long distance without rest. 这种鸟可以不休息一直飞很长的距离。
- The baby bird toppled from the nest unable to fly yet. 幼鸟从鸟巢里掉下来了,还不会飞。
- A man can no more fly than a bird can speak. 人不会飞翔,就像鸟不会说话一样。
- Every songbird can be identified by the unique song it sings, but a baby bird has to be taught by its parents to sing the family song. 每鸣禽可确定的独特歌它唱,但是一个婴儿鸟已被父母亲教导要唱家歌。
- It had so long wings but it didn't fly, perching idly. 它有那么长的翅膀,却不飞翔,懒懒地停在枝头上。
- A bird has feathers and most birds can fly. 鸟都有羽毛,并且大多数鸟都会飞。
- A short, soft, high-pitched sound or utterance, like that of a baby bird. 唧唧声或吱吱声一种如幼鸟所发出的短而柔和且高尖的声音或发音
- Human being curious why birds can fly,but they cannot themself. 人类曾好奇为什么鸟会飞,而人不会。
- This bird cannot be paralled for beauty. 这鸟的美丽是无与伦比的。
- Birds can fly easily because they are light,but men's bodies are heavier. 鸟儿能够轻易地飞行是因为它们身体轻,但是人类的躯体可就重多了。
- This bird cannot be paralleled for beauty. 这只鸟的美丽是无与为匹的。
- This bird cannot be paralleled for beauty . 这只鸟的美丽是无与为匹的。
- Birds can fly easily because they are light, but men's bodies are heavier. 鸟身体轻盈,容易飞翔,而人的身体比较重。
- They said three baby birds fall out of the nest. 他们说三只小鸟从窝里掉出来了。
- My myna bird can imitate what people say. 我家的八哥会学舌。
- But baby, when they knock you down and out, it's where you oughta stay. 但是,亲爱的,当它们把你击倒在地时,那就是你应该所呆的地方了。
- What bird can lift the heaviest weigh? 什么鸟类可以举起最重的东西?
- To utter short,soft,high-pitched sounds,like those of a baby bird; cheep. 幼鸟发出吱吱啾啾的叫声发出如幼鸟的短促且轻而尖细的声音;唧唧或吱吱地叫。