- It will make you as drunk as a fiddler. 它会使你酩酊大醉的。
- Don't touch it. It will make you as drunk as a fiddler. 别喝。它会使你酩酊大醉的。
- He came home as drunk as a skunk again. 他回到家就醉得不省人世。
- I couldn't understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a lord. 我听不懂那个人在说些什么,他烂醉如泥。
- as drunk as fiddler 酩酊大醉,烂醉如泥
- Mary left the party as drunk as a skunk,I hope she got homw ok. 玛丽带着醉意回家;我希望她能安全到家.
- I eventually found them in a bar, both as drunk as skunks. 我后来在一家酒吧找到他们,两个人都烂醉如泥。
- He gulped down one glass of whisky after another, and was as drunk as a lord in next to no time. (他灌下了一杯又一杯的威士忌,很快就酩酊大醉了。)
- It's nearly midnight when Cheryl comes back. She is as drunk as a sow and handed by Sam. 谢丽尔直到半夜才回来,喝得酩酊大醉,让山姆搀着。
- On the night before the funeral he was as drunk as ever; and it was shocking, in that house of mourning, to hear him singing away at his ugly old sea song. 在葬仪的头天晚上,他喝得象通常一样烂醉,在这所居丧的房屋里听到他唱他那古老的航海谣,真叫人毛骨悚然。
- So long as you do not believe in justice, and so long as you are rich and really confident of remaining so, you can have Prohibition and be as drunk as you choose. 只要你不相信公正,只要你富有,而且深信自己会一直富有,你就能左右/会支持禁酒令,然后随心所欲地喝个烂醉如泥。
- He is as drunk as a Dutch. 他烂泥如醉。(非“跟荷兰人一样醉”)
- John is as dirtily drunk as usual. 约翰和平常一样烂醉如泥。
- He finally got home at midnight, drunk as a lord. 最后,他半夜回到家里,喝得烂醉。
- I'm not so drunk as you think I am. 我可不像你想得那么醉。
- I'm not so drunk as you think I am. 我没有你想得那么醉。
- He finally got home at midnight,drunk as a lord. 最后,他半夜回到家里,喝得烂醉。
- be dead drunk; be as drunk as a lord 烂醉如泥
- I am not so drunk as you think I was. 我可不像你想的那么醉。
- I am not so drunk as you thought I were. 我可不像你想的那么醉。