- My brother-in-law is an obnoxious know-it-all. 我的姊夫是个讨人厌的自以为是万事通的家伙。
- an obnoxious smel 一种难闻的气味
- Excision of an obnoxious passage was required. 有一段引起反感的文字必须删掉。
- It had an obnoxious smell and burnt with a smoky. 它有一种令人不快的气味,而且燃烧时多烟。
- Nick walked in the boardroom sporting an obnoxious necktie. 里克在(议事)会议室里走来走去地炫耀着他的造作的领带。
- And he believes that somehow it entitles him to being an obnoxious jackass. 他也不知怎么地认为他拥有扮傻子的权利。
- One ingenious township peasant association arrested an obnoxious member of the gentry and announced that he was to be crowned that very day. 有一个乡农会很巧妙,捉了一个劣绅来,声言今天要给他戴高帽子。
- Now it is time to select an obnoxious (that is, obvious) format to identify any duplicates that are found. 现在是选择令人生厌的(也就是显而易见的)格式,以标识找到的重复数据的时候了。
- Winter moves in on Minnesota like an obnoxious uncle-familiar and tolerated, but dreaded nonetheless. 明尼苏达州的冬天就象是令人讨厌的叔叔---熟悉和难以忍受,而且令人恐怖。
- This is an obnoxious exercise, but I promise it will be remarkably enlightening in helping you achieve balance. 虽然这不是件愉快的事情,但是我保证这可以明显的帮你达到平衡。
- James developed an obnoxious habit of hexing people for fun that he didn't break out of until he was past his fifth year. 詹姆一直都以施咒于其他人身上为乐趣,这一令人讨厌的恶习直到他五年级之后才摆脱。
- For some, the shopping frenzy that ensues on the Friday after Thanksgiving is an obnoxious and distasteful display of unrestrained consumption. 翻译:就其他而言,那天和爱为交易狩猎的志趣相同的朋友和家庭成员表现会接的有趣年度传统。
- They take a markup language which was specifically designed to be very simple, elegant, and powerful, and wrap an obnoxious, bloated, and large API around it. 他们采用一种被明确设计成非常简单、一流且功能强大的标记语言,然后用讨厌的、过多的和大型API对它进行封装。
- Even the serious military dudes, again played by Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson, get in on the fun when they give an obnoxious Defence Department bureaucrat his comeuppance. 即便JoshDuhamel和TyreseGibson扮演的军人虽然平时严肃,也耍了一下幽默,让可恶的国防部官员落个罪有应得。
- However, one night Otis decides to do something about an obnoxious kid who enjoys tipping his fellow cows, and for the first time in his life he gets a taste of leadership -- and he likes it. 为了守护牧场,保卫农舍里所有家畜的安全以及幸福和谐的生活,当然还有日渐老迈的父亲。一向调皮搞怪的奥蒂斯决定承担起农场领袖之责,决定带领家畜伙伴们与恶狼抗争到底。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- excision of an obnoxious passage was required 有一段引起反感的文字必须删掉。