- alkaline ultrabasic rocks 碱性超基性岩
- The ultrabasic rocks form a complex of large tectonic slices with intercalated slices of Sebakwian sedimentary rocks. 超基性岩与塞巴奎沉积岩岩片相间构成一巨大的构造岩片的杂岩体。
- Further imbrication, folding and metasomatism of the ultrabasic rocks occurred at this time. 超基性岩的进一步叠瓦作用,褶曲和交代作用发生于这个时期。
- In an ultrabasic rocks in North Jiangsu,corundum was first discovered and some was up to gem grade. 苏北某地超基性岩中,首次发现了红刚玉,少量已达宝石级。
- The ultrabasic rocks of Mesozoic Caenozoic era have been found in the northeastern Jiangxi Province. 赣东北地区发现有中 -新生代超基性岩。
- It is pointed out that fractures in the contacting zone between tonalite and ultrabasic rocks or chlorite schist are favourable sites for... 提出英云闪长岩脉与超基性岩及绿泥石片岩边缘接触带中构造破碎带是有利的控矿构造部位,含黄铁矿硫化物石英脉是有利的找矿标志。
- With the Erhai fault zone as a boundary, they are mainly basic and ultrabasic rocks in the east side, trachyte in the west side. 以洱海断裂带为界 ,东侧主要为基性、超基性岩 ,西侧主要为粗面岩。
- Ultrabasic rocks have a silica content less than 45%. Peridotite is the typical intrusive rock which consists of olivine and pyroxene. 超基性岩的SiO2含量小于45%25,它的侵入岩叫做橄榄岩,主要由橄榄石、辉石等矿物组成。
- Mineral materials are mainly from the ultrabasic rocks.Therefore, it is a typical gold deposit of structural alteration features, which is related to the ultrabasic rocks. 成矿物源主要来源于超基性岩中,是一处较典型的与超基性岩有关的构造蚀变岩型金矿床。
- Source material of the gold deposit has close connections with the ultrabasic rocks, albite porphyritic dikes, thick|layered dolomite and clastic sedimentary rocks. 金矿的物质来源与矿区的超基性岩体、钠长斑岩脉、厚层状白云岩及各类碎屑沉积岩有密切的关系。
- How to define the age of the west Dayanchi ultrabasic rocks, East Tianshan, Xinjiang, has long been questionable because of lack of reliable isotope age data. 大盐池西超基性岩一直缺乏可靠的年龄资料,因此时代厘定一直存在疑问。
- Jianchaling gold deposit is closed related to the Jianchaling ultrabasic rock mass. 产出部位与超基性岩有关,属构造蚀变岩型金矿床。
- The activation andmigration of gold were mainly controlled by the ultrabasic rock belts and two ductile shearbelts in same direction. 北祁连中西段发育三套早古生代蛇绿岩及相应的基性、超基性岩,呈北、中、南三条带状分布。
- Jianchaling gold deposit belongs to micro disseminated tectonic altered rock type, which has genetic relationship with ultrabasic rock. 煎茶岭金矿床属于与超基性岩有成因联系的微细浸染状构造蚀变岩型金矿床。
- The discovery of Mesozoic Caenozoic ultrabasic rocks provides an important information for reevaluation of the perspective for the diamond prospecting in the northeastern Jiangxi Province. 赣东北地区中-新生代超基性岩的发现,为重新分析评价赣东北地区金刚石找矿前景提供了重要的信息。
- The formation of chromite ore of industrial value is mainly controlled by the chemical characteristics and degree of differentiation of the ultrabasic rock bodies. 正>引言对于铬铁矿床的找矿勘探,我国有丰富的实践经验和大量的地质资料。
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我们应该在碱性土壤里种什么?
- Becoming alkaline; slightly alkaline. 碱化的变成碱的; 弱碱性的
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。
- The storm cast the little rowboat on the rocks. 风暴把这条小划艇抛到岩石上。