- All girders shipped by rail were arranged on a flatbed rail car. 由火车装运的所有主梁都安放在平板火车车皮上。
- The vintage rail car in which Obama rode dates to 1939. 奥巴马乘坐的铁路老爷车可以追溯到1939年。
- Urban Public Traffic Planning and Administration. City Bus and Taxi. City Ferry. City Tram. Express Rail Car Traffic. 城市公共交通规划与管理,城市公共汽车与出租汽车,城市轮渡,电车,快速轨道交通
- The weight and/or volume necessary to qualify for a rail carload rate, or a rail car loaded to its capacity. 合乎铁路满载费率限定所需的重量和/或体积,或是满车装载的铁路货车。
- It's a car dumper. Oh, I know. This machine can tip over a rail car so that the coal in a car can be dumped easily. Am I right? 翻车机。哦,我知道了。这个机器能把火车车厢翻转过来,这样就能把里面装的煤顺利地倒出来了。对吧?
- A little farther, there's John Ringling's private tent, with workers unloading his private automobile from a special rail car. 不远处是约翰润格林的私人帐篷,工作人员正从一节火车特别车厢上卸下他的私人汽车。
- The equipment will be installed in 80 multiple-unit regional trains of the FLIRT (fast, light, integrated regional train) and GTW articulated rail car series. 这些设备将安装到80列联列FLIRT区域性列车(快速、轻便、一体式区域性列车)以及GTW接链式列车系列。
- The carload quantity referred to on a carload rate has nothing to do with the actual quantity required to fill the rail car, but is the minimum weight specified to qualify for a lower class rate. 车载数量指的是车载费率,与需要装满整车的实际数量无关,而是指合乎较低的费率限定所规定之最低重量。
- Rolling stock, such as rail cars in transportation systems, mining equipment, etc. 机车车辆,如交通系统的车箱等和采矿设备等的费用。
- A third source, also in a position to know, reported in summer 2002 that Iraq had manufactured mobile production systems mounted on road trailer units and on rail cars. 还有一位消息人士于2002年夏天报告,伊拉克已经制造出安装于公路拖车和火车车厢上的可移动生物制剂生产系统。
- Albanian Waffen-SS troops were also involved in loading Jews onto rail cars bound for the death camps. 阿尔巴尼亚武装党卫队也参与了把犹太人由铁路运往集中营的罪行。
- The development, test, research and operation of single-axle bogies for urban rail cars abroad are described. 介绍了国外城轨车辆单轴转向架的发展、试验研究和运用情况。
- This arrangement is used where there is little headroom, as in trucks, buses, and rail cars. 这种气缸排列通常用在头部空间很小的机动车上,如货车、公共汽车以及有轨电车上。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- Described are the technical development trend of railway passenger cars in Europe, especially the light rail cars, metro cars in the aspects of design and manufacture. 介绍了近年来欧洲铁路客车 ,特别是轻轨车、地铁车辆在设计、制造方面的技术发展动向
- The main parameters and structural characteristics of Portland low floor light rail cars are described. And the acceptance test for the cars are briefed. 介绍了波特兰(Portland)低地板轻轨车辆的主要参数和结构特点,并简述了该车所进行的验收试验的情况。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- A third source,also in a position to know,reported in summer 2002 that Iraq had manufactured mobile production systems mounted on road trailer units and on rail cars. 还有一位消息人士于2002年夏天报告,伊拉克已经制造出安装于公路拖车和火车车厢上的可移动生物制剂生产系统。
- The motor car disappeared in eddy of dust. 汽车在一片扬尘的涡流中不见了。
- It's cheaper to ship goods by road than by rail. 公路运输比铁路运输便宜。