- a weedy garden 野草丛生的花园
- At dawn, on a weedy Michigan lake, ten thousand mallards fidget. 拂晓时分,在杂草纵生的密歇根湖上,上万只野鸭燥动不安。
- It reveals medium body, a weedy earthy Cabernet Sauvignon component, ripeness. 1994年酒身适中;拥有卡本纳苏维翁元素,略带成熟。
- A weedy, perennial herb(Linaria vulgaris) native to Eurasia, having narrow leaves and racemes of showy, long-spurred yellow and orange flowers. 柳穿鱼一种如杂草般蔓生的多年生草本植物(柳穿鱼),产于欧亚大陆,长有狭长叶,开有绚丽的长花距的黄色和橙色花朵的总状花序
- A weedy North American plant(Erigeron canadensis) having narrow leaves and numerous small white or greenish flower heads grouped in panicles. 加拿大飞蓬一种(加拿大飞蓬飞蓬属)属的细瘦的北美植物,叶子狭窄,开无数白色或淡绿色小花,呈圆锥花序
- In South America, a weedy corn relative, teosinte, dresses the edges of domesticated cornfields. 在南美洲的玉米田周围,长著它们的野生亲戚,蜀黍。
- Yet, human-made industry is a weedy thing that threatens to overcome the natural sphere that ultimately supports it. 然而,人造工业是一个芜杂的产物,似将占领始终支持着它的自然的势力圈。
- A weedy North American plant(Erigeron canadensis)having narrow leaves and numerous small white or greenish flower heads grouped in panicles. 加拿大飞蓬一种(加拿大飞蓬飞蓬属)属的细瘦的北美植物,叶子狭窄,开无数白色或淡绿色小花,呈圆锥花序
- The heavy rain made a great mess of the garden. 这场大雨把花园搞得一团糟。
- Leopold had been concerned that the aggressive weeds would strangle the wildflowers, but a weedy field is far more like a prairie than a plowed field. 利奥波德曾经担心争强好胜的杂草会扼杀野花,但是,杂草丛生的土地比耕种过的土地更像北美大草原。
- A weedy plant (Eupatorium capillifolium) of the southeast United States, having pinnately divided leaves and long clusters of greenish flowers. 毛叶泽兰:美国东南部草本植物,(泽兰属毛叶泽兰),叶羽状全裂且长串带绿花
- There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden. 在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。
- This is a weedy species recognizable by its short, broad, usually softly hairy leaf blades and secund racemes of rather small spikelets. 这是一通过它的相当小的小穗的短,宽,通常软的有毛的叶片和偏向的总状花序可认识的多杂草的种。
- A weedy Eurasian perennial herb(Silene vulgaris) having white flowers with deeply notched petals and a balloonlike, inflated calyx. 白玉草:一种蔓生欧亚多年生草本植物(白玉草麦瓶草属),开白色花朵,花瓣带有深凹口和气球状充气的花萼
- She started digging the garden with a will. 她在园子里起劲地翻起土来。
- We made a bonfire of dead leaves in the garden. 我们在花园里点燃火堆把枯叶烧掉。
- A weedy, annual, tendril-bearing vine (Sicyos angulatus) native to North America and having small whitish flowers and clusters of small fruits covered with long, slender prickles. 刺黄瓜:一种生长得很快的,一年生的,有卷须的藤本植物(刺黄瓜葫芦科)原生于北美,有小的白色的花和带有大的,柔软的刺的成串的小果实
- A weedy, annual, tendril-bearing vine(Sicyos angulatus) native to North America and having small whitish flowers and clusters of small fruits covered with long, slender prickles. 刺黄瓜:一种生长得很快的,一年生的,有卷须的藤本植物(刺黄瓜葫芦科)原生于北美,有小的白色的花和带有大的,柔软的刺的成串的小果实
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我们的花园有一边以小河为界。
- A weedy, annual Eurasian plant(Brassica nigra) in the mustard family, having racemes of yellow flowers and pungent seeds formerly used to prepare the condiment mustard. 黑芥菜,幽芥:一种十字花科一年生蔓生植物(黑芥芸苔属)植物,长有黄色总状花序和尖形种子,以前用于配制调味芥末