- a tortured mind 苦难的心
- And that beneath the harsh mask he assumed lay a tortured soul. 他冷酷的假面具之下隐藏着一颗被扭曲的灵魂。
- He is a tortured soul, and most in need of your love. 他是一个备受折磨的灵魂,最需要你的爱。
- They used a device which I call a torture trouser. 他们用一种装置,我管它叫一种折磨裤。
- It is a torture to have chronic disease. 得了慢性病是一件很磨人的事。
- As this one thought hammered at his tortured mind, he suddenly sprang up with a wild laugh and pounced forward; he wrenched open a drawer of his desk, snatched out a revolver, and turned the muzzle towards his heart. 只是这一个意思在吴荪甫心上猛捶。他蓦地一声狞笑,跳起来抢到书桌边,一手拉开了抽屉,抓出一枝手枪来,就把枪口对准了自己胸口。
- Beneath the harsh mask he assumed lay a tortured soul. Fine, gentle and kindly. 在他严厉的外表下是一颗饱受摧残而又善良、温柔、仁慈的心。
- In so many ways, he's a tortured soul forever fighting with his own demons. (很长一段时间)他被拷问的灵魂用尽各种方法一直在与自己的心魔战斗。
- The Local follows Noname, an enigmatic man running from a tortured past. 一个本地人,姓名不详,他只是个从痛苦折磨中走出来的神秘男子,只能称之为无名氏。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- A tortured spirit will bring death to the Heart of Darkness with the weapon of justice and light. 一个受尽折磨的灵魂将会用代表正义和光明的武器摧毁黑暗之心。
- A young girl has a tortured night terror about growing up, learning, and reciting the alphabet. 一个女孩夜里很痛苦,她害怕长大,害怕学习背诵字母表。
- Is there not a point where a doctor should hand Jack the Ripper over to the police and a lawyer refuse to suppress the bloodstained evidence that proves his client a torturer? 难道医生就不应该将杀人者杰克(残害妇女的凶犯)送交警察,律师就不应该拒绝掩盖血迹斑斑的罪证,出来指证他的当事人是残害他人的凶手吗?
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- Tortured Ice The permanent cap at Mars south pole has been eroded by the wind into a tortured complex of pits, buttes and mesas. 被挤压的冰层永久性覆盖在火星南极的冰帽被风侵蚀成了深坑,平面或孤丘。
- With a tortured superhuman effort Abbandando lifted his head off his pillow eyes unseeing and pointed a skeletal forefinger at the Don. 用痛苦的、超人的努力,阿班旦多把他的头抬离他的枕头,眼睛视而不见,把他的骨骼食指指向堂。
- Europe is in a deeper pickle than the U.S.They will have a prolonged recession, political fragmentation, protectionism and a tortured lowering of their fabled life style. 欧洲相比美国面临更大的困境,他们将有更长的衰退,政治分离,贸易保护主义和对虚构的生活方式的降低所带来的痛苦。
- They gave me a week to make up my mind. 他们允许我有一周的时间作决定。
- Cohn dismissed talk that Goldman would return to its partnership days, which ended in 1999 after a tortured decade or more of debate over an initial public offering. 科恩断然否认高盛将回到合伙企业的时代。1999年,在对募股上市经过十年甚至更长时间的痛苦争论后,高盛终于结束合伙企业时代。
- A new idea popped into my mind like a flash. 我脑子里突然闪现出一个新的想法。