- a titan of american industry 美国工业巨头
- a titan of American industry. 美国工业巨头
- Muir could have become a titan of industry, but the backpack of civilization slipped off him, to paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson. 米尔本可以成为产业里的巨头,可他却抛下文明的背囊,致力于把爱默生的理论用于实践。
- I join with many other former students and colleagues of Paul's in mourning the passing of a titan of economics. 我和保罗当年的许多其他学生和同事们一道,悼念经济学界一位巨匠的逝去。
- Detroit, once the fulcrum of American industry, sagged and rusted under its own weight. 曾经是美国工业支柱的底特律,被自身环境和状况变得萎靡不振,毫无生气。
- A titan of scientific thinking, he described the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, paving the way for modern physics. 他是科学冥想的巨人,他描绘了万有引力定律和三大运动定律,为现代物理学铺平了道路。
- Chinese people have enhanced American's well-being and promoted the up-grading of American industry with their diligent hands. 中国人民以勤劳的双手,增进了美国的福祉,促进其产业升级换代。
- He commented that this novel was a masterpiece of American literature. 他评论说这部小说是美国文学中的杰作。
- Early chiefs of American industry who started foundations often did so with a general goal -- "for the well-being of people throughout the world. 创建基金会的美国早期的工业领导者通常也都为了一个共同的目标--为了全世界人民的福利。
- The Russian team entered a protest against the tactics of American side. 俄罗斯队提出正式抗议,反对美国队的战术。
- As it reorganizes, the fallen icon of American industry will rely on $30 billion of additional financial assistance from the Treasury Department and $9.5 billion from Canada. 通用汽车表示在破产保护下,将永久性关闭9家并闲置三家工厂以降低产量,削减劳动力成本。
- I offer you the very blade I used to slay a titan. 我赐予你我那我那真正的武器,那我曾经用来杀死过泰坦巨人的武器。
- The titan of twentieth-century chemistry. 第20世纪的化学的巨人。
- That playwright have a high place in the history of American literature. 那位剧作家在美国文学史上占有重要地位。
- She loomed as a titan in my masturbatory dreams. |在我的春梦里她占有很崇高的地位。
- Muckraking journalists denounced the titans of American business as “robber barons” . 八卦记者曾将美国商业巨头贬斥为“披着强盗外衣的大佬”。
- The two of them are locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company. 他们俩为争夺对公司的控制权打得不可开交。
- I am reading a panorama of American history. 我在看美国通史。
- The two of them is locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company. 他们俩为争夺对公司的控制权打得不可开交。