- Yes,there is a strong smell of gas here. 对,这里确有很强烈的煤气味。
- Yes, there is a strong smell of gas here. 对,这里确有很强烈的煤气味。
- Formaldehyde is a strong smell of gas smell, it can cause headaches, insomnia, coughing, tears, and a carcinogenic effect. 甲醛是具有强烈刺激性气味的气体,它能引起头痛、失眠、咳嗽、流泪,并具有致癌作用。
- A strong smell of gas has pervaded the Jinlian Residential Community for nearly a month, while a gas station nearby is suspected to be the cause of it. 近一个月以来,金莲小区一直弥漫着浓重的汽油味,而仅仅一墙之隔的员村加油站漏气的嫌疑最大。
- This statement has a strong smell of gunpowder. 这是一篇充满火药味的声明。
- There was a strong smell of burning in the air. 空气中弥漫着烧糊东西的味道。
- a strong smell of gas 一股强烈的煤气味
- On that exciting night, air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. 在那个激动人心的夜晚,空气中充满了火药味。
- The cheese was emitting a strong smell. 干酪散发出强烈的气味。
- There was a distinct smell of gas. 有一股明显的煤气味。
- "A strong smell of drink mingled with stale tobacco filled the air as a squat, unshaven man in a tattered overcoat materialised right in front of them. 空气里升起一股烟酒混合的强烈臭味,一个胡子拉碴,身穿一件破烂外套的矮胖子突然出现在他们面前。
- All said when they open accordions that were played in smoke-filled environments, there is a strong smell of cigarette smoke and soot-like deposits. 所有[受访者]都说,当他们打开在菸雾弥漫的环境内弹奏过的手风琴时,会散发出浓厚的菸味并看到类似菸灰的沈积物。
- First stop near the thermal springs at the Yellowstone Lake. A huge array of fuming holes in the ground, with a strong smell of sulfur in the air. 世界上第一家国家公园/黄石国家公园,上面烟雾缭绕的是公园最著名的,由于地热现象产生的间歇天然喷泉,洞洞里的水可是很烫哦,热气腾腾呢
- After a while, a strong smell of delicious cooking wafted in the house, and she carried a bowl of noodles to me and said: “Eat it. 此刻,屋里弥漫着一股浓郁的香味,女孩端着一碗面条递给我,说:“吃吧。”
- A strong smell of tobacco and tar rose from the interior, but nothing was to be seen on the top except a suit of very good clothes, carefully brushed and folded. 一股浓烈的烟草和柏油味立刻从箱子里扑鼻而来。 然而,箱子的上层只有一套料子很好的衣服,刷得干干净净,叠得整整齐齐。
- Smell of gas -- did you turn the stove off? 肯定有股煤气的味道,你把炉子关上了吗?
- Honey is caramel, from barley and other grain from the fermentation glycosylated, pulp-non-stick, taste sweet foam, the characteristics of a strong smell of sesame. 蜜是饴糖,是由大麦等粮食经发酵糖化而成,浆亮不粘,味道香甜绵软,芝麻香味浓厚的特色。
- I open the door, it felt a strong smell though, the testing has not been installed samplers, tears begin to flow out on, a pungent smell the smell of people directly coughing. 一开门,就感觉到强烈的气味扑面而来,检测人员的采样器还没有安装好,眼泪就哗哗地流了出来,刺鼻的气味呛得人直咳嗽。
- Or that Wi-Fi does something horrible to your brain, like eating your fondest memories and replacing them with drawings of cross-eyed bats and a strong smell of puke. 将来一定能写一部伟大的反乌托邦科幻小说,在它描述的这个世界里,人们突然发现无线宽带信号会损害人类大脑,缓慢地夺走我们所有的情感。
- This mutton has got a strong smell. 这羊肉味太膻。