- He had to make a shift with what was on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- He has to make a shift with what is on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- A shift in the wind is expected tonight. 预计今晚风向会有所变化。
- There's been a shift in the wind. 风向改变了。
- We should wait for a shift in the wind. 我们应该等待同向改变。
- Can I make a shift into another compartment? 我能不能换个包房?
- Certainly, there has been a shift. 不过确实变了很多。
- To release the shift key on a typewriter or computer keyboard. 松开一台打字机或计算机的键盘上的字形变换键
- Does this reflect a shift in your own approach? 这反映了你在方法上的转变吗?
- The management is introducing a shift work. 管理部门将采用轮班工作制。
- But the earthquake seems to have heralded a shift. 但是地震似乎宣告了一种转变。
- Such a shift alters the very fabric of creation. 这样一个变迁将改变造物的织锦。
- There is a shift of the midline to the left. 正中线向左偏移。
- Immediately after you hear the startup tone, press and hold the Shift key. 听到启动声音后,立即按住Shift键。
- There are two shift keys on the computer keyboard. 在计算机键盘上有两个上档键。
- Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying. 差分二进制相移键控。
- Gets a value that indicates the state of the SHIFT key when the associated event occurred. 获取一个值,该值指示关联事件发生时Shift键的状态。
- To create a thicker line, hold the SHIFT key down and press the hyphen key three or more times, and then press ENTER. 要创建较粗的线条,请按住Shift键同时按三次或更多次连字符键,然后按Enter。
- To move it in ten-frame increments, hold down the Shift key while pressing the arrow key. 要以十帧的增量移动,请在按住Shift键的同时按下箭头键。
- Press the SHIFT key and hold it while you drag the mouse pointer over the additional elements that you want to select. 按住Shift键在要选择的其他元素上拖动鼠标指针。