- It is the duty of the parlementaire to select a propitious moment for displaying his flag, such as during the intervals of active operations, and to avoid dangerous zones by making a detour. 军事使者必须选择适当时机高举旗帜,诸如军事行动之空档,以及需绕道以免进入危险区域。
- It was not a propitious time to start a new business. 这个时候开张不吉利。
- a propitious moment 有利的时刻
- He awaited the propitious moment with the crafty patience of the sick. 他怀着病人所特有的那种阴郁的耐心等待着有利的时机。
- It is not a propitious time to start a new business . 这时候开张不吉利
- It is not a propitious time to start a new business. 这时候开张不吉利。
- The August 8th is a propitious day for chinese people!! 8月8号对中国人来说是吉利的一天!
- I have a propitious presentiment that we will have a wonderful beginning. 我有一种吉祥的预感,咱们肯定会有一个非常好的开端。
- Chloe consulted her horoscope to see whether Tuesday would be a propitious day to dump her boyfriend. 克洛伊查阅了星象,看看星期二是否是抛弃男朋友的吉利日子。
- It had hardly been a propitious beginning, but he had chosen his course, and would show no swerve. 这种情形很难说是一个吉利的开端,但是他已经选定了他的道路了,他不想三心二意。
- Chinese kylin is deemed as a propitious animal as well as a quintessential product model of the carving plant. 麒麟在当地被奉为祥兽,又是雕刻厂最具代表性的产品样式;
- I'd like to speak to you for a moment. 我想和你谈一会儿。
- For many people, the element of gold is regarded as the best of the fiveelementsintheuniverse, bearing a propitious and harmonioussignification. 很多人都认为五行中的金是构成宇宙五种元素中最好的一种,带有吉祥和谐的含义。
- The tomb was supposed to be in Nanjing.But Zhu Di secretively dispatched a minister and a geomancer to look for a propitious place to build the tomb. 陵墓理应建在南京,但是朱棣却悄悄派一个大臣和一个风水先生前往北京寻找吉壤建陵。
- For a moment his life was in jeopardy. 他的生命一度陷入危险中。
- For many people,the element of gold is regarded as the best of the fiveelementsintheuniverse,bearing a propitious and harmonioussignification. 很多人都认为五行中的金是构成宇宙五种元素中最好的一种,带有吉祥和谐的含义。
- A sunset like this shifts its tints every moment. 这样的晚霞颜色是不断变换的。
- This system was brought into Hellenistic Egypt from Mesopotamia, where astrology had been practiced for millenniums and where seven had always been a propitious number. 这个体制从美索不达米亚引进到具有古希腊文明的埃及,在美索不达米亚,星象术已流行了上百万年,七一直是个吉利的数字。
- He has a lot of financial worries at the moment. 他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事。
- I saw the policemen file away a moment ago. 刚才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。