- Pollution is still very much a live issue. 污染现象仍然是当前的大问题。
- Shortage of funds is still very much a live issue. 资金短缺仍然是当前的重大问题。
- An early concern of growth theories, which remains a live issue today, is whether growth is halted by insufficient demand or insufficient supply. 增长理论关心的是,增长停止到底是由于需求不足,还是由于供应不足,这仍是今天的一个争论问题。
- A live band is always a good draw at a party. 现场演奏的乐队在聚会上总是很吸引人的。
- The cat is playing with a live mouse. 猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。
- a live issue; still a live option. 尚在争议的问题;现在仍然有特卖权。
- She had led a life of luxury and privilege. 她过著养尊处优的生活。
- Pollution is still very much a live issue 污染现象仍然是当前的大问题.
- He leads a life (which is) free from care. 他过着无忧无虑的生活。
- We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity. 我们希望拥有成功幸福的生活。
- The murderer was given a life sentence. 杀人凶手被判无期徒刑。
- We watched a live television show. 我们观看了一场电视现场直播的表演。
- People like to live a life full of variety. 人们喜欢过丰富多彩的生活。
- He's lined up a live band for the party. 他为晚会安排了一支充满活力的乐队。
- My parents are retired and now live a life of ease. 我的父母都退休了,现在过着安闲舒适的生活。
- Short-lived or ephemeral, as a life. 短命的或短暂的,如生命
- She had a life fraught with hardship. 她的一生充满了艰辛。
- A life of ease is a difficult pursuit. 优悠自在的生活,是一个难以追求的东西。
- A democratic may of life is a life of give and take. 民主的生活方式是一种公平交换的生活。
- He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生。