- a frustration of play 戏剧困境
- A high standard of play marked the match between the two teams. 这两个队的比赛表现了很高的技术水平。
- It's more of a frustration than anything else. 没有比这更令人沮丧的。
- A striker was substituted for a midfield player in the last half-hour of play. 在比赛的最后30分钟里,一个中场运动员被一个强攻手替换了下去。
- An infraction or a violation of the rules of play. 犯规违反或触犯比赛规则
- The order of play is decided by the roll of a dice. 比赛顺序是通过掷骰子决定的。
- I never miss a chance of playing football. 我从不错过踢足球的机会。
- A ball that is out of play is dead. 不在比赛中的球就是死球。
- How is the cricket match coming along? What's the state of play? 板球赛进行得怎么样?现在比分多少?
- She couldn't stand the frustration of not being able to help. 眼睁睁帮不上忙,她可受不了。
- The crowd started barracking (the slow rate of play). 群众(对比赛的速度之慢)喝起了倒采。
- The prisoner made a frustrate attempt to escape. 囚犯妄图逃跑。
- There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the TV recently. 最近有关离婚的电视剧太多了。
- There was decidedly a very liberal measure of play in her. 她的性格里显然有相当多爱闹着玩儿的成份。
- A conflict or a frustration is not necessarily pathogenic. 一个冲突或者阻挠不一定会产生心理变态。
- What is the latest state of play in the disarmament talks? 裁军谈判的最新情况怎麽样?
- I'm not very fond of playing chess. 我不太喜欢下棋。
- After a frustration day at work he often vents his spleen on his poor wife. 干了一天令人沮丧的工作下来,他常常拿他可怜的妻子出气。
- If the ball goes out of play,the other team wins a point. 假如球过了线,对方球队就得一分。
- There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the television recently. 最近有关离婚的电视剧过多。