- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- We must all die some time: that's just a fact of life. 我们终有一死,这就是生活的现实。
- Revision is a fact of life in design. 修改并再修改,这是设计生活中的现实。
- This may sound cliched, but it is a fact of life. 这虽为老生常谈,却如此确切!
- This may sound cliched,but it is a fact of life. 这虽为老生常谈,却如此确切!
- People love flattery. It's a fact of life. 人爱受吹捧,这是铁一般的事实。
- IN MODERN economies, inequality is a fact of life. 在现代经济体中,不平等乃是人之常理。
- It doesn't matter whether I like it or not; it's a fact of life. 我喜欢不喜欢它不要紧,这就是现实。
- We consider it a fact of life: after age 30, everything starts to go downhill. 我们一向认定这是生命的事实:三十岁之后,每件事都开始走下坡。
- Any inductor exhibits capacitance between windings, that's a fact of life. 任一台感应器陈列电容在绕之间,那是生活之本。
- In fact most blokes feel better when they stop trying to cover their balding up and just accept it as a fact of life. 事实上,大多数人在放弃掩饰秃顶的企图而只把它当成一个生活现实之后都会在感觉上好很多。
- What a sad fact of life this is! 多么可悲的现实!
- As a cub reporter he would learn the facts of life in the newspaper world. 作为一名初出茅庐的记者,他要了解报界生涯的内幕。
- It is a fact of life that science and religion will always come into conflict.Is this true? 科学和宗教永远是矛盾的。你认为呢?
- Gradually she had come to accept it as a fact of life, though the grief was still sometimes there. 尽管悲伤有时还在折磨她,但她逐渐将这作为一个残酷的事实接受了。
- It is a fact of some significance. 这是一件具有相当重大意义的事件。
- It's a fact of life now that the internet will continue to change virtually every aspect of our everyday life. 它在现实生活中,互联网正将继续改变我们的日常生活几乎每个环节。
- The face pack for preventing and resisting wrinkles has come into the world, challenging aging -- a fact of life. 抗皱防皱面膜问世了,它向衰老,这一生命的现实宣告挑战。
- It is a fact of everyday experience. 这是平日常见的事情。
- IN MANY parts of the world, greasing the palms of corrupt officials is a fact of life. 在世界许多地方,满手油腻的腐败官员是个活生生的事实。