- A revelatory manifestation of a divine being. 神灵的显现
- One of the forms in which someone or something, such as a person, a divine being, or an idea, is revealed. 表现形式表明某人或某事物,如人、神圣事物或观点的一种形式
- Knowing yourself as a divine being or as an extension of God's essence is the key to true happiness! 认识你自己是一个神圣的存在,或者是神的本质的延伸,是通往真正快乐的钥匙!
- The Kinnara is a divine being and musician of the Spheres.It has the appearance of a winged horse-man robed in splendor that strikes mortals with awe. 紧那罗是天庭的乐手,他外形人躯马首,有翼,穿着能够令凡人敬畏的华丽外袍。
- The biblical account issimilar to Egyptian and Mesopotamian accounts, in which the first man was made ufrom clay, infused with lif i by a divine being, Women andplaced in a paradise of delight. 圣经中的帐户相类似埃及与美索不达米亚的帐户,其中第一名男子是由粘土,充满了生活的一个神圣的,并放置在一个天堂的喜悦。
- He was selected to be a divine for the church. 他被选为教堂的牧师。
- And you'll know why it's called a divine tree. 你就知道为什么这是一棵神树了。
- Proceeding from a divine judgment. 来自上帝审判的,天罚的
- Alas, it was not a divine comedy for Pomona. 可惜的是,它不是一个神曲为波莫纳大学。
- Intercession is indeed a Divine reality. 代祷的确是一件神圣的实际。
- He claims to have a divine vision from God. 他声称他有预见未来的神力。
- No one has a divine right to play for England. 没有人有代表英格兰的神权。
- one of the forms in which someone or something,such as a person,a divine being,or an idea,is revealed 表现形式,表明某人或某事物,如人、神圣事物或观点的一种形式
- A divinity presiding over forests and trees; a wood nymph. 德律阿得斯森林与树之神; 林中女仙
- a divine being 神,上帝
- She was the raw material of a divinity. 她本是一副天神的胚子。
- Why not get a diviner to expound my dream? 为什么不去叫一个占卜者来解释我的梦呢?
- What, you got a divining tattooed on your ass? 怎么,你在屁股上还纹了探矿杖?
- Moreover, such proof is superfluous, for the idea of an all-powerful divine Being is present everywhere, unconsciously if not consciously, because it is an archetype. 而且,这种证据也是多余的,因为全能神圣存在的理念在处处显现--意识或潜意识中的,因为它是一个原型。
- What, you got a divining rod tattooed on your ass? ( 难道你的屁股有纹上卜问棒?