- You know, a bull is a symbol of boom in business. 你知道,公牛是事业兴旺的象征。
- There has been a boom in exports this year. 今年的出口额激增。
- There's been a boom in exports this year. 今年的出口激增。
- This year has seen a boom in book sales. 今年图书销售激增。
- Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy. 零售市场上有史以来的最高利润显示出经济的突飞猛进。
- We heard a boom in the distanceas the bomb went off. 炸弹爆炸时我们听到远处的轰响。
- We heard a boom in the distance as the bomb went off. 炸弹爆炸时我们听到远处的轰响。
- A boom in the building sector is spurred by the need for housing. 住房的需求刺激了建筑业的发展迅猛。
- a boom in business 生意兴隆
- That supply of credit lifted house prices and spurred a boom in residential construction, which filled the gap in demand left by sluggish business investment. 提供这些贷款使房价得以提升,并激发了建筑居民住宅的浪潮,这样就填补了萧条的商业投资遗留下来的需求漏洞
- She has set up in business as a bookseller. 她已创业成为书商。
- He got a good start in business. 他在生意上起步时占了很大的优势。
- He have a master's degree in business science. 他获得了商业学硕士学位。
- She gained a diploma in Business Administration. 她取得了工商管理的学位证书。
- "There's a boom in nostalgia for Astro Boy," says the museum sub-director, Murakami. 手冢治虫纪念馆副馆长村上顺一说:“现在出现了一种深厚的怀念《铁臂阿童木》的情绪。
- Chinese attitudes towards sex have relaxed in recent decades, triggering a boom in extramarital relationships . 调查显示,39.;7%25的调查对象认为只要双方相爱,婚前性行为无可厚非,而29%25的人则认为婚前性行为是个人的私事。
- The oil market is enjoying a boom. 石油市场欣欣向荣。
- The growth of new housing developments triggered a boom in new retail stores, lured by local government incentives. 在政府刺激方案的诱惑下,新开发住房的增长引发了新的零售商店的繁荣。
- With India's transport arteries already so badly clogged, a boom in sales of low-cost cars could bring about a seizure. 由于印度交通大动脉已然严重拥塞,廉价汽车的销量激增可能导致“动脉栓塞”的大发作。
- Iowans and other Midwesterners think this logic will drive a boom in the region's beef and dairy industries. 艾奥瓦人和其他中西部地区的人认为这将会为本地牛肉和奶制品行业带来巨大的发展机遇。