- a beam in sb.'s eyen. 某人自身的大缺点
- A dressed piece of wood, especially a beam in a structure. 栋木一块整齐的木料,尤指房屋结构中的横梁
- A support for a beam in the framework of a building. 柱,杆建筑物框架中横梁的支撑物
- A beam in one's own eye. 自己眼中的梁木;自己严重的缺点。
- He was unconscious of the beam in his own eye. 他并不知道自己的大毛病。
- The princess is a big apple of this king 's eye. 公主是这位国王的掌上明珠。
- He greeted me with a beam of joy. 他笑容满面地迎接我。
- The Chang home had a cold appearance. A lonely kerosene lamp hung from a beam in the gateway, revealing its bareness. 张家显得很冷静,空空的大厅上燃了一盏煤油挂灯。
- A structural unit, such as a beam or wall. 构材建筑物之单位结构,如横梁或墙
- The photons then travel down optical fibers to a beam splitter, a device typically used to split a light beam in two. 随后光子顺著光纤走,到达分束镜(通常用来将光束一分为二)。
- Don't put trust in sb who always change his mind! 别信任那些总改变主意的人!
- A beam of sunlight fell on the wall through the window. 阳光透过一扇窗投射到墙面上。
- In satellite communications, pertaining to antenna systems with a beam for maximum cover of the earth's surface. 在卫星通信技术中,指天线系统其波束能最大程度地覆盖地球表面的区域。
- The police are off beam in their search for the criminal. 警察搜寻罪犯时方向错了。
- In an experiment, a beam of known intensity impinges on a target. 在实验中,用已知强度的粒子来击轰靶。
- Tom is the apple of his mother' s eye. 汤姆是他母亲的宝贝。
- To believe in sb is to have confidence in sb and trust him. 表示的是对某人有信心,信任某人。
- A searchlight beamed in the distance. 探照灯在远处照耀。
- The cat' s eyes were gleaming in the dark. 猫的眼睛在黑暗中闪闪发光。
- It would take much time to use the trial-and-error method introduced for solving the problem of the effect of shear deformation on the bending of a beam in Referrence 1. In particular, it is very difficult for the beginners to use. 文献[1]中,介绍了求解剪切变形对梁弯曲影响问题的试凑法,费时费事,特别是对初学者尤感困难。