- Yalong River reservoir 雅砻江主库区
- Ertan hydropower station is the first power station built on Yalong River. 摘要二滩水电站是雅砻江梯级开发的第一个水电站。
- The Yalong River , the green river flowing through West China known for its natural beauty and precipitousness had been a big draw to me. 雅砻江,这条中国西部的绿色大川,以她的秀美、的险峻吸引着我。
- The hydropower development of southwest area is very important for the energy strategy of China, in which the Yalong river is the most representative. 摘要西南地区水电开发对于实施我国能源战略有重要意义,雅砻江流域在西南地区水电开发中又具有典型代表性。
- Without billowy waves and majestic vigour,the ancient Yalong river only has a total length of 6.7 kilometers from her headwaters to the embouchure at Brahmaputra. 雅砻河藏语意为"从上游下来的大河",发源于雅拉香山,山上终年冰雪覆顶,云雾缭绕。
- Bailian River Reservoir has a unique natural scenery, the banks of the rolling mountains, trees Shigetake-mao. 白莲河水库有着奇特的自然风光,库畔群山连绵,树繁竹茂。
- Test was completed to analyze the improvement of water quality in Fenhe River Reservoir by water lifting and aeration facility. 运行结果表明,扬水曝气技术对汾河水库的水质改善具有显著的效果。
- The arid valleys of the Hengduan Mountainous Region consist of the valleys of the Minjiang River, the Dadu River, the Anning River, the Yalong River, the Jinsha River, the Lancang River, the Nujiang River and their tributaries. 横断山区干旱河谷有四类,即干热河谷、干暖河谷、干温河谷和干凉河谷。
- The upper reaches of the Yalong River 雅砻江上游
- Qin legacy still straight Road, Five Rivers Reservoir rippling blue, Yangshao culture deep inside, deep loess rolling oil. 秦直古道遗风犹存,五河水库碧波荡漾,仰韶文化底蕴浓厚,黄土深层石油翻滚。
- Jinping hydropower station of the Yalong river 锦屏水电站
- Regions in the upper reaches of the Yalong River 雅砻江上游地区
- Based on data from 79 quadrates, the wetlands vegetations in Lao River and Ju River Reservoirs in Linfen were investigated using TWINSPAN. 摘要以涝河、巨河水库湿地植被为研究对象,在野外调查的基础上,典型取样79个,用TWINS-PAN进行数量分类。
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。
- The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river. 警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。
- A pregnant lady rescued him from the Suzhou River. 一个孕妇把他从苏州河救了起来。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。
- The river flows through the city from east to west. 这条河从东到西贯穿这座城市。