- YYHL近交系YYHL inbred strain
- 近交系胎鼠中脑多巴胺能神经元体外定向分化的初步研究Preliminary study of in vitro committed differentiation of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain of inbred rat embryos
- 近交系inbred strais
- HLC近交系HLC inbred strain
- SX1近交系SX1 inbred strain
- 天然近交natural inbreeding
- 伴随正交系adjoint orthogonal system
- 近交品系inbred strain
- 丹玉自交系的创造及在我国玉米育种和种子生产中的作用Development of Danyu Self-bred Lines and the Role They Played in Maize Breeding and Production in China
- 系统近交systematic inbreeding
- 辛正交系Symplectic orthogonal system
- 昆明种无毛小鼠近交培育及其生物学特性的研究The inbreeding of mutant hairless KM mice and its biological properties
- 利用南斯拉夫玉米自交系改良国内优良杂交种的遗传潜势研究Genetic Potentiality Using Yugoslavia Maize Inbred Lines to Improve Chinese Elite Hybrids
- 庙台槭居群间的基因流很小,遗传漂变和随之而来的近交可能是刻划居群遗传结构的主要因素。Gene flow was small and genetic drift and inbreeding might be the main factors influencing population genetic structure of Acer miaotaiense.
- 塘四平头种群自交系Tangsipingtou lines
- 长期社群隔离使大仓鼠近交回避和亲属善待行为消失Disappearance of nepotistic behavior and inbreeding avoidance after long-term isolation in rat-like hamsters Cricetulus triton
- 利用SSR标记研究玉米自交系的遗传变异Genetic Variation of Inbred Lines of Maize Detected by SSR Markers
- 高温条件下玉米自交系材料雄花育性的观察分析Observation and Analysis of Tassels'Fertility of Inbred Maize Materials in the Condition of High Temperature
- 云南省几个骨干玉米自交系主要产量性状的双列分析Diallel Analysis of Major Yield Characters for Some Elite Maize Inbred Lines in Yunnan
- 同系交配,近亲繁殖,近交inbreading