- Xiamen free of American beef 厦门未进口过美国牛肉
- "We hope that Koreans will begin to learn more about the science and about the facts of American beef and that this issue can be addressed constructively," Vershbow said. 弗什鲍说:“我们希望韩国人多学一点科学,多了解一点有关美国牛肉的事实,这个问题能够以建设性的方式解决。
- The US and S.Korea said Monday top trade negotiators from the 2 sides will hold a 3rd round of meetings this week to discuss the resumption of American beef shipments. 韩美两国高级贸易谈判代表本周将就牛肉进出口争议问题进行第3轮磋商。
- In the wake of public outrage over plans to resume shipments of American beef, the South Korean Cabinet has offered to resign and the president has reshuffled top advisers. 由于恢复从美国进口牛肉的计划引起韩国民众严重不满,韩国内阁集体提交辞呈,总统也改组了高级顾问。
- Also, the European Union will now require imports of American rice to come with statements saying they are free of the unapproved rice. 同时,欧盟现在也要求进口的美国大米需要附加声明,声明上要说明其中不含未经批准的大米。
- There were actually two dueling demonstrations. One was pro-American. The other was made up of protesters angry about a decision by the Lee government to resume imports of American beef. 实际上,当时有两群人在示威。一边是亲美人群,另一边是对李明博政府决定恢复进口美国牛肉感到愤怒的抗议者。
- The streets have been swept free of leaves. 街上的落叶已打扫乾净。
- At last he was free of his teacher. 他终於不再受老师的折磨。
- The ship was free of the harbor. 那艘船离开了港囗。
- He lived in a flat free of rent. 他住在免付租金的公寓里。
- I shall be glad to get free of the chairmanship next year. 我很高兴明年就摆脱主席这个职务了。
- Robert Frost was the most American of American poets. 罗伯·佛洛斯特是最具美国风格的美国诗人。
- Nowadays we try to keep our rivers free of town and factory waste. 现在我们努力使河流不受城镇和工厂废物的污染。
- A healthy animal, free of disease; free from need. 没有疾病的健康动物; 自给自足
- The girl was glad to win free of his mother's control at last. 这女孩子终于从他母亲的控制下挣脱出来。
- He commented that this novel was a masterpiece of American literature. 他评论说这部小说是美国文学中的杰作。
- The Russian team entered a protest against the tactics of American side. 俄罗斯队提出正式抗议,反对美国队的战术。
- Sadat seemed free of the obsession with detail. 萨达特不那么注重细微末节。
- That playwright have a high place in the history of American literature. 那位剧作家在美国文学史上占有重要地位。
- The department store delivers free of charge. 这家百货商店免费送货。