- X-Y工件台X-Y workpiece stage
- 工件台Stage
- 精密工件台precision stage
- 工件台转速substrate table rotation rate
- 微分方程(dx)/(dt)=h(y)-F(x),(dy)/(dt)=-g(x)存在极限环的一个充分条件A SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR THE EXISTENCE OF LIMITING CYCLE OF THE EQUATIONS dx/dt=h(y)-F(x),dy/dt=-g(x)
- 吧台bar counter
- 真空工件台vacuum stage
- 我们用x表示一个未知数。We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.
- 用y 除Xto divide X by Y
- 超精密工件台supper-precision stage
- x-y方式x - y mode
- 同台on the same stage
- 昨天我的牙进行了X光检查。I had an X-ray examination of my teeth yesterday.
- 台达Delta
- X-Y模式X - Y mode
- 北京电台以十几种不同的频率进行广播。Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.
- 这台自动售货机又坏了。The vendor is out of order again.
- X-Y操作X - Y operation
- 我给儿子买了一台手提式打字机。I bought my son a portable typewriter.
- 他买了一台爆玉米花的机器。He bought a machine to pop corn.