- X-CT成像X CT imagery
- 电法CT成像electrical CT image
- 电磁波CT成像CT image of electromagnetic wave
- 目的 :探索常规X线、二维和三维CT成像 3种影像学检查在下颌骨髁突骨折诊断中的应用价值。Objective:To study the useful value of conventional X ray film,2D CT and 3D CT in the mandibular condyle fracture.
- CT成像CT imaging
- 医学CT成像Medical CT
- X光成像X-ray imaging
- X线成像X-ray imaging
- 肝内门静脉螺旋CT成像诊断肝炎肝硬化Diagnosis of posthepatitic cirrhosis by intraheptic portal vein por tography using spiral CT
- X射线成像X ray imaging
- 目的:探讨三维CT成像在骨盆骨折治疗中的应用价值。Objective:To investigate the application of 3D CT images in the treatment of pelvic fractures.
- X光成像系统X-ray imaging system
- 髋关节三维CT成像有助于术前制定手术计划和选择合适的假体型号(大小)3D CT images of hip is helpful in preoperative planning and choice of proper component.
- X线断层成像computed tomography
- X射线CTX-my CT
- 硬X射线成像hard x-ray imaging
- X-CT扫描X-CT scanning
- CT灌注成像CT perfusion imaging
- X射线成像系统X-ray imaging system