- X线钡餐造影X-ray barium meal examination
- 食道癌的X线钡餐造影与CT诊断探讨X-ray and CT study of esophageal cancer
- 食管癌X线钡餐造影与CT检查的对比分析Comparative Study between the Features of X-ray Barium Meal and CT in Esophageal Carcinoma
- X线钡餐X-ray barium meal examination
- 在线in-line
- B超诊断上消化道梗阻性疾病及与X线钡餐检查对比研究B-mode Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Upper Digestive Obstructive Disease and its Comparative Study with X-ray Barium Meal Examination
- X线钡餐造影、胃镜、B超、CT等检查相结合,可以提高诊断率。The comprehensive utilization of the checkingmethods such as x rays and GI, stomache--scope, B--US, CT can help to improve the correctness of diagnosis.
- 数字化与普通X线钡餐检查对诊断食管型颈椎病的对比研究Comparative study of digital vs general X-ray barium meal examination for diagnosing the cervical syndrome with compressing esophagus type
- 方法 :采用X线钡餐检查方法和超声检查方法对 40例胃山楂石病人进行检查 ,并对其结果对照分析。Fourty hawthorn gastrolithic patients were examined using the X ray barium meal and ultrasound. The results were compared and analysed.
- X线钡餐检查和CT扫描对十二指肠平滑肌肉瘤能作出比较准确的诊断,血管造影是一种补充性诊断方法。X ray barium studies and CT are shown to yield more accurate diagnosis. Angiography is good complementary technique to confirm the diagnosis.
- X线人类学roentgenographic anthropology
- 透X线Pass through X - ray
- X线两档Two X-ray energy modes
- X线系统X- ray system
- X线检测X-ray detection
- X线引导X-ray guided
- X线分型X-ray subtype
- X线造影X-rayradiography
- 钼靶X线Mammography
- X线成像X-ray imaging