- 三维工业计算机X射线断层摄影术3D-ICT
- 电子计算机X射线断层成像computed tomography, CT
- 计算机化X射线断层扫描仪computer tomography system
- 核磁共振成像成为计算机X射线断层摄影技术颇有价值的补充的真正原因在于,核磁共振成像提供了有关人体的不同信息。What made MRI a valuable complement to CT is that it provides very different information about the body.
- 对肺部作X射线摄影to sciagraph the lung
- X射线断层摄影tomography
- X射线断层摄影术body section roentgenography
- 数字化X射线摄影DR
- 妇产科X射线检查X-ray examination in gynecology and obstetrics
- 断层摄影术X线Tomagraph
- 铍焊件残余应力X射线断层扫描测定法Research on X-Ray Computer Tomography for Measuring Residual Stresses of Beryllium Weldment
- X射线CTX-my CT
- 全身用计算机控制的X射线断层扫描机computed tomographic scanner for whole body
- X线计算机断层摄影X-ray Computed tomography
- X射线光子X-ray photon
- 先进的双模式电子计算机X射线断层扫描机advanced dual-mode computerized tomographic unit
- X射线光学X-ray optics
- X射线造影X-ray angiography
- X射线断层roentgen tomography
- X射线断层图stratigram