- Wu Sangui raises a sword, chop to camellia faery. 吴三桂举起宝剑,向茶花仙子砍去。"
- Wu Sangui gives orders to grab floriculturist will punish. 吴三桂下令把花匠抓起来办罪。
- Wu Sangui bate, blame county makes be protected all the way not. 吴三桂大怒,责怪县令一路保护不周。
- Wu Sangui fury is risked continuously, brandish whip is smoked to tea tree again, on the 2nd bruise oozy blood. 吴三桂怒火直冒,挥鞭又向茶树抽去,第二道伤痕上渗出鲜血。
- Wu Sangui listens, frighten a suit cold sweat, look for an oneiromancy seek official, inquiry good or ill luck. 吴三桂听罢,吓得一身冷汗,便找来一个圆梦的谋臣,询问吉凶。
- Wang Fu-chen Wu Sangui to call al-down, so that the damage Jinbao cut short note, Chao left Canada captaincy general. 王辅臣以吴三桂札召降,进宝斩使毁札,诏加左都督。
- I'd take hold of Wu by the beard while you held his arms behind him, and I'd say, "Tamardy, Wu Sangui! 只可惜我做了皇帝,不能随便走动,否则咱俩同去云南,我揪住吴三桂的胡子,你抓住他双手,同时问他:‘他妈的吴三桂,投不投降?’
- Just after the foundation of the Qing Dynasty, the Three Southern Kings headed by Wu Sangui, conqueror of the West, rebelled the court. 清王朝建国初期 ,以云南平西王吴三桂为首的“南疆三藩”起兵叛清 ,形成清代历史上震惊全国的重大事件。
- Scum of the nation, the traitor, Toujiang Pai Wu Sangui, colluded with the Manchu invasion forces defeated Li Zicheng farmers Army. 民族败类、大汉奸、投降派吴三桂,勾结满清侵略军击败了李自成的农民军。
- The following year, Wang Jin Bao Ke-air clearance, to close Guangyuan, forcing players Wang Ping Fan Wu Sangui constriction death of Mao Wu alive. 次年,王进宝克朝天关,收广元,逼吴三桂悍将王屏藩缢死,生擒吴之茂。
- Wu Sangui is in Yunnan, tyrannize, palace is built in 5 Mount Hua, build A Xiangyuan, each district of the Yunnan that pass decree displays a beautiful flowers and grass. 吴三桂在云南,横行霸道,在五华山建宫殿,造阿香园,传旨云南各地献奇花异草。
- There are millions of other people cursing Wu Sangui besides you, but it doesn't make a blind bit of difference: the wretched fellow is still Satrap of the West. 天下千千万万人在骂吴三桂,可是这厮还是好好做他的平西王。
- When Li Zicheng marched into Beijing, the Emperor again let slip the opportunity because of the judgment on transferring Wu Sangui to support the capital or Southward migration. 在李自成向北京进军时,崇祯在调吴三桂援京或者南迁问题上又再失时机。
- Wu Sangui surrenders Qing Jun, introduce Qing Jun, suppress a peasant uprise army, appropriative pioneer, kill Ming Guiwang, qing Dynasty seals him to be be setting king, defend Yunnan. 吴三桂投降清军,并引进清军,镇压农民起义军,充当先锋,杀死明桂王,清封他为平西王,守云南。
- Camellia is called to win flower, still have another fokelore: Bright the total arms Wu Sangui of at hand of the Chongzhen Emperor of the last emperor of a dynasty, guard hill custom. 山茶被称为胜利花,还有另一传说:明末代皇帝崇祯手下的总兵吴三桂,镇守山海关。
- The Manchus were finally able to cross the Great Wall in 1644, when the gates at Shanhaiguan were opened by Wu Sangui, a Ming border general who disliked the activities of rulers of the Shun Dynasty. 满人最后越过长城是在1644年,当时吴三桂打开了山海关城门,他是明朝边境的将领,他不满意宋朝的统治。
- In 1644, after two years of trying, the Manchus finally crossed the Great Wall by bribing an important general, Wu SanGui, to open the gates of ShanHai Pass and allow the Manchus into China. 1644年,在经过了两年的尝试之后,满族最终越过了长城。他们花重金贿赂了一个朝廷命官,吴三桂,去打开山海关的大门使满族进入中原。
- The Clan had recently learned that Wu Sangui's son was visiting Peking and had sent this group of fighters to make their way there and kidnap the son as a means of coercing the father to revolt. 他们最近得到讯息,吴三桂的儿子吴应熊到了北京,司徒掌门便派他们来和他相见。
- " Wu Sangui thinks justifiable, remand tea tree Liu Liang. 吴三桂认为有理,便把茶树送回陆凉。
- Professor Wu is extremely modest. 吴教授虚怀若谷。