- Wiskott-Aldrich综合征1例A Case of Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
- 报告Wiskott-Aldrich综合征1例。A case of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is reported.
- Wiskott-Aldrich综合征Wiskott-Aldrich's syndrome
- Sturge-Weber综合征1例报告及文献复习Sturge-Weber syndrome(Report of one case and review of literature)
- 45,XO/46,X,i(Xq)嵌合型Turner综合征1例报告One case or turner syndrome or 45, XO/46, Xi(Xq)gynandromorph
- 海绵窦霉菌包块致岩尖综合征1例报道Fungal abscess in cavernous sinus representing Gradenigo's syndrome: report of 1 case
- 甲髌综合征1型nail-patella syndrome, type 1; NPS1
- 血色病1例One Case of Hemochromatosis
- Ramsay-Hunt综合征1Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 1
- 巨大肾盏憩室1例1 Case of big diverticulum in renal calyx
- 犬腹孔绦虫感染1例1 Case of Taenia elliptica infection
- 脑干囊虫病1例报告1 Case of brain stem cysticercosis
- 枪击伤救治1例报告1 Case of treatment to gunshot wounds
- 自发性脾脏破裂1例Spontaneous rupture of spleen in 1 case
- 鳞癌致面部巨大缺损1例The scale cancer sends the face huge flaw 1 example
- 1例经硬化疗法治疗的广泛颈-纵隔囊性淋巴管畸形的克-特综合征患儿Extensive cervical-mediastinal cystic lymph-atic malformation treated with sclerotherapy in a child with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
- 单纯血尿的血友病甲1例1 Case of Haemophilia with Simplicity Hematuria
- 1例双胎输血综合征的观察与护理Observation and Nursing on One Case with Twin Blood Transfusion Syndrome
- 1例新生儿窒息的护理Nursing Care of One Newborn with Asphyxia
- 1例POEMS综合征的报告及护理初探A Case Report of POEMS Syndrome and Nursing